New Moral Order™


Definition of the word “Anunnakism” & “Anunnakist”




[ ah-noon-nah-kiz-uhm, ah-noon-nah-kiz-ist ]

Summary Definition of “Anunnakism” and “Anunnakist”

Anunnakism is the ideology of the Anunnakist. Anunnakism involves a belief in the Anunnaki as a distinct race or species that is different from homo sapiens sapiens, and in the racial supremacist notion that the Anunnaki bloodline is racially superior to the human race.

Full Definition of “Anunnakism” and “Anunnakist”

Anunnakism is the ideology of the Anunnakist. Anunnakism involves a belief in the Anunnaki as a distinct race or species that is different from homo sapiens sapiens, or in other words, the present general human populace. Anunnakists believe in the racial supremacist notion that the Anunnaki bloodline is racially superior to the human race and that supposed bloodline descendants of the Anunnaki so-called ‘gods’ of old have a ‘divine’ right to rule over the human species and earth.

An Anunnakist may be someone who believes that they are a bloodline descendent of the Anunnaki, or they may simply be someone who believes in deifying the Anunnaki race, either in regards to only the Anunnaki of old, or in regards to their supposed descendants too.

Historically, Anunnakists have kept their ideological beliefs and institutions secret, but since the early part of the 20th century, their beliefs and modus operandi have been ever more exposed by researchers and authors who have dedicated their lives to uncovering the ‘hidden hand’ of the Anunnakism, largely giving rise to the current truthseeker movement.

Anunnakism directly relates to the supremacist ideology of monarchy and aristocracy, which date back to the pre-history empire of Atlantis and the dictator kings that arose after the global cataclysms that eventually destroyed the main Atlantean capital and islands in the North Atlantic ocean around 12,000 years ago. All monarchic and aristocratic dictatorships and ideologies since that time have been founded on a claim to either be a descendent of the Anunnaki so-called ‘gods’ or to represent them and their ‘right to rule’.

In modern times, Anunnakism and Anunnakists have been represented by a plethora of different institutions and titles, such as ‘the Illuminati’, ‘the New World Order’ or ‘NWO’, ‘the Committee of 300’, ‘the brotherhood of the snake/serpent’ etc, as well as being central to all the dynastic monarchies and aristocratic families that still exist, whether in the public eye or known only to their family members who meet in secret.

Anunnakism may relate to religious, political or social practices.

Religiously – Anunnakism is covertly promoted in the public sphere through classical Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other pagan ‘gods’ and mythology, with these so-called ‘gods’ being an amalgamation of the Anunnaki dictator kings of ancient and pre-history and the demons with which the Anunnaki and their priests cultivated a metaphysical relationship through ritual and blood sacrifice. Egypt, Babylon, Delphi and Rome are the main four pillars on which the Anunnaki religion presently refers to in relation to present religious rites and rituals. All the main religions of the world are based in part or completely on the ancient worship of the Anunnaki dictator kings and their demonic counterparts.

Politically – the central control of money, the economy, global finance and consumerism act as the Anunnakists‘ negative spirit of the modern age, by which to ‘possess’ and thereby control the human populace. Anunnakism regards the people’s conditioned love of money as a form of worship to the supposed Anunnaki bloodline families and to their demonic counterparts. Throughout western nations, political buildings are strewn with Anunnakist symbology of Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman ‘gods’ and architecture, which are all dog whistles to the worshipping of the Anunnaki dictator kings and the partner demons.

The arrangement and orchestration of wars that kill millions is a quite obvious sacrificial ritual to the Anunnaki ‘gods’, and this is blatantly spelled out through the flagrant use of the word “sacrificed” on war memorials and grave stones in reference to those who have been ritually murdered over the centuries in this way.

Socially – media, Hollywood and the music industry are all Anunnakist rituals of sorcery. The name Hollywood refers to the pagan druid’s magic wand that was made of wood from the holly tree and which would cast a spell over the people. The terms “Hollywood idol” and “movie star” directly refer to ancient pagan rituals, astro-theology, and blood sacrifice to the Anunnaki ‘gods’.

The main Anunnakist sigil is the 5-pointed star or pentagram, although there are many others. The 5-pointed star can be seen in most national flags of nations (and religions) that are under the control of the Anunnakists, and it is the primary symbol used in the rituals of Hollywood and the music industry by their puppet ‘stars’.

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